Get ready for our biggest event of the year!

In 2020 the Women of Influence IWD event was so popular that we grew out of our usual venue and delivered our first outdoor event!

The theme was taking care of yourself, looking after your physical, mental and financial health first.

Who knew that this was sage advice for things to come…?

In 2021 the IWD event was our biggest event yet with almost 450 guests!

The theme was giving back, and Dr Ruth Knight from QUT ACPNS, helped us to understand how to use our influence to help others.

International Women’s Day 2022 theme is #BreakTheBias 

Breaking the bias is about a gender equal world. 

A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

A world where difference is valued and celebrated.

Together we can forge women’s equality.

Together, we can all break the bias.

Women of Influence International Women’s Day breakfast will take place on Wednesday 9 March at RACV Royal Pines Resort.

This year will be a special event celebrating the IWD theme #BreakTheBias. Breaking the bias is all about equality and breaking the bias in our homes, communities, workplace, schools, universities and beyond.

Breakfast event at RACV Royal Pines Resort