Join Janet Culpitt for a post event networking session

Immediately after our 9 March event please join Janet Culpitt, one of our Gold Sponsors for a networking session.

She will discuss Strategic Alliances:  Put really simply – two or more business owners working together to help one another – think Coles and Shell and those discount checkout slips that encourage you to drive to a Shell Service station to fill up the family car.

They are NOT just the domain of big business, strategic alliances, joint ventures and partnerships (call them what you will) are the most powerful business development strategy available to small business owners…. but without some simple guidelines, things can go horribly wrong.

Before implementing any strategic alliance, joint venture or partnership make sure you work through a checklist so you get your new relationship off to the best possible start.

Just a few items for the checklist could include:

  • Am I comfortable working with this person?
  • Do we share the same values and ethics?
  • Will the relationship reflect positively on my brand?
  • Is the timing right for me to proceed right now?

For more information please visit Janet’s website by clicking HERE