Some networking tips for you before next week's event

Our events are the perfect environment for you to meet other professional women to share stories, challenges and maybe even meet your future mentor!  

Over the past ten years we have done our very best to facilitate a healthy networking environment; we have built a loyal and friendly community although we still consistent receive feedback to “help you network with fellow guests”.NWJ-ebook-cover-72-dpi

We hope you are ready to connect!

Janet Culpitt is a positive, professional and natural networker.  Her formative years were spent moving from town to town, so she learned the art of connection and relationship building. Janethas now turned this skill into a passion and a business.  She has authored a book “7 Secret Networking Tips Revealed”.  At next Monday’s event, Janet will present you with some clever tips and reminders from this book.


If you love Janet’s tips you can check out her “networking with Janet” workshops.

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