A huge thanks to our Platinum Sponsorship Partners!

Without you, we could not deliver such fabulous events and donate to our charity partners RADFLY
What we love about our sponsorship partners is the mutually beneficial relationships we share. Each contributing so much to enable our community to CONNECT, LEARN & GROW – and being very much part of the WOI team!

Derek Cronin and Stacy Miller have been long time supporters and are great friends of WOI. They have both been speakers at our events and have been platinum sponsors for years. They generously allow their staff to be a part of the WOI committee dedicating their time as volunteers and always provide valuable connections and advice.

Lisa Spencer and her team at Laser Clinics Runaway Bay are a beautiful bunch of ladies whom we have gotten to know well over the years. Their beauty services and skills are incredibly backed by science and the ladies are kind and nurturing.

Dr Drew joined the WOI team of supporters last year and we are so happy to have him! Not only because he had us all on the edge of our seats at The Great Debate 2020, but because he is a kind soul, a fabulous Doctor and a great Dad!

Kathleen Simpson has been a supporter and sponsor of WOI for many years and is always a beautiful smiling face amongst our guests. Kathleen is a passionate and skilled defender of women against domestic violence. Who could forget her heartfelt story delivered at the 2019 Annual Great Debate?

Leschen Smaller was one of the first members of the WOI committee many years ago and is now a valuable adviser to us for all things financial. Together with her business partner, Theresa Allery, they are brining financial mindfulness to business owners on the Gold Coast.

Weightloss Solutions Australia
Felicity Cohen is a true Wellness Warrior! She started her business on the Gold Coast 21 years ago and now Weight Loss Solutions Australia is a successful empire with Felicity as CEO and inspirational force for all her clients who seek to make a positive change to their health and wellbeing.