A successful event teaches us how to have it all

Thursday 22 October, Women of Influence held another great event at RACV Royal Pines with key note speaker Victoria-Rose Emery. Guests were excited to hear from Victoria-Rose about whether they could in fact “Have it all”.
One thing we did learn was that we could have delicious food, great company, a glass of bubbles and a break from the office to laugh and learn. Victoria shared personal anecdotes, experience as a health practitioner and theory of the Harvard Wellness Wheel to demonstrate that the best way to gain balance is to care for ourselves in order that we can care for others.
Networking was also the ongoing theme as Janet Culpitt from Networking with Janet, reminded us of how to connect with our fellow guests in a relaxed and meaningful way.
To add to the theme of well being, guests generously donated $1,000 through raffle sales and were rewarded with the usual bounty of lovely prizes from our sponsors.
All money raised will be donated to RADFLY.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]